Literally two hours after we got home, my little sister and Grayson were both laying on couches feeling crummy, poor babies. Around midnight, Katie started throwing up. Gross! Minutes after that, Grayson also began puking. Very gross! After I attended to their immediate needs (trash cans, saltine crackers, damp cloths, paper towels, glasses of water, etc.) I decided the whole thing was getting too yucky for me, so I headed off to bed. I felt so nauseated all night. I couldn't decide if it was because I was scared of getting sick myself or because I could hear Katie and Grayson throwing up.
It turned out that I was actually sick myself! I also started getting sick. Right after I started, Brady also began throwing up. Evidently, Sunday was a long day at our house. After testing for carbon monoxide poisoning, debating what could have given food poisoning, and discussing the similarities between all the sickies, everything came up zero. Apparently, we contracted a super-virus that spread like wildfire.
After 24 hours, we felt fine. Strange, very strange. My mom got sick at 3 am on Monday and was fine by Monday evening. Luckily, my dad avoided it completely. We're glad it's over!
I was exhausted Monday for reasons that have been explained in sometimes disgusting (sorry) details. My INSANE Literary Theory teachers posted our midterm Sunday morning, but I didn't get around to it, so I had to crank it all out on Monday in order for it to be turned in on time Tuesday. It was SUPER hard! I spent nine hours trying to answer her ridiculous essay questions! I'm glad this class is going to be over soon. Literary theory is the antithesis of fun. I've had wayyyy too much Derrida, Freud, Lacan, Saussure talk this semester. Philosophy sucks, I'm just saying.
I took my Brit Lit midterm last Friday. I got a 91! Go me! I am so good at reading. :)
Well, nothing else exciting has happened this week. Exciting updates coming soon!